New Years Day,
January 1st
- Remove and pack away all outdoor Christmas lighting. Check for frayed wiring and bad bulbs. Make the corrections now while you remember them.
- Take the once-live Christmas tree to a county recycling location or place at the curb for city pick-up.
- Make notes for items that will need repairing in the spring, such as caulking, painting.
- Make plans for the vegetable garden or flowerbeds for the spring. Order plants, bulbs and seeds from seed catalogs.
- Plant trees in January. Do not fertilize the first year.
- Spray fruit trees with dormant oil.
- Plant tulips and hyacinths which have been chilled for 6 weeks.
Plant these vegetables now: Mustard
Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Birthday, January 15th
- Treat any fire ant mounds in and around flowerbeds or the lawn.
- Start vegetable and flower seeds indoors
- Heavy prune fruit trees and crepe myrtles
- Transplant shrubs and trees now.
- Plant bare-rooted rose bushes.
- During the rest of January, as weather permits, turn garden and ready for spring
Plant these vegetables now: broccoli seeds, cabbage, carrots, collards seeds, endive, kohlrabi seeds,
lettuce, onion sets, parsley plants, English peas and turnips
Groundhog's Day, February 2nd
- Divide Daylilies at this time if they are large clumped and fertilize
- Place new azaleas in the landscape, as needed. Do not fertilize azaleas now
- Mow lawn to clean up debris. Do not scalp the lawn but use a medium height mower deck.
- Start new compost pile.
Plant these vegetables now: beets, broccoli plants, Swiss Chard, collard plants,
kohlrabi seeds, radishes, turnips
Saint Valentine's Day, February 14th
- Prune roses, and fertilize with a good rose food. Work 1/4 cup epsom salts into the soil around each plant.
- Plant summer flowering bulbs now.
Plant these vegetables now: potatoes, radishes, spinach
Texas Independence Day, March 2
- Mow the lawn for the second time with a medium height mower deck.
- Fertilize shrubs using a balanced fertilizer, according to the package directions.
- Plant potted poinsettias into the landscape. Begin color conditioning in October.
Plant these vegetables now: bush green beans, pole green beans,
sweet corn, cucumbers, tomatoes
Saint Patricks Day, March 17
- Fertilize azaleas and camelias with azalea-camelia fertilizer after flowering. Water well. Pruning is usually not needed, but now is the time to do it to remove scragglers.
- Mow the lawn and fertilize with a premium 15-5-10 or 20-5-10, watering in well.
- Plant second planting of green beans.
Plant these vegetables now: pole lima beans,
muskmelons, pepper plants, pumpkins, summer squash, winter squash
April Fools' Day, April 1
- Raise mower deck one notch when mowing the lawn this month.
Plant these vegetables now: eggplant, okra, watermelon
Easter, April 4
- Hide some Easter Eggs in the lawn.
- Invite some children and have an Easter Egg Hunt.
- Place potted Easter lilies in sunny or partial-shady location. Water liberally and check for drainage.